Gail Leech, in memoriam

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Brandon and I mourn the untimely passing of Gail Andrews Leech, FOG Studio’s first client. Gail was a longtime Management Analyst with the City of Brentwood and a fearless, fun, creative woman. When we gathered courage to form our own firm back in 2012, the very first proposal we submitted along with Mark Davis Design was to Brentwood, for an expansion of the city’s public library. Gail was able to discern our passion and commitment, and took a chance on us over more established firms, and the course of our lives was changed forever. She continued to believe in FOG Studio as the project grew into a large, brand-new library, and continued to work with us on many varied projects over the years.

I searched through years of collaboration photos, thinking I must have a good picture of Gail. The only one I could find shows her tiny in the background of the Library’s opening day celebration - and that in itself is so telling. Unassuming, never attention-seeking, and ultra-competent: she worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make her community’s projects happen in the best possible way.

We will sorely miss our friend and colleague. Our hearts go out to her loved ones. Rest in peace, Gail.

- Tiffany


220 East G Street